Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the answers to some questions we receive often. Please know that we will re-evaluate our rules and procedures at the end of this first year based on feedback from coaches.

I see that Latin League players must be NJCL members. Do I have to have my registration for NJCL done before Latin League starts?

We know that most schools don't register for NJCL that early. We do ask that you register by the first NJCL deadline (before the first price increase), which is December 1.

The grammar topics look difficult for my JV players. Will they be able to answer any of those questions? I don't want them to be discouraged.

The topics are targeted at the varsity level, but there will be questions on each test that JV players should be able to answer. We've asked question writers to keep this in mind. And, of course, JV teams only play against other JV teams. So kids don't have to know everything; they're just trying to know more than their opponent. We did consider a separate JV topics list, but we were concerned about having enough writers to produce that many questions per round.

Why are there seven players on a team if only five can compete in the round?

Two reasons: (1) if a player was ill or otherwise unavailable, we wanted there to be substitutes; and (2) since the topics list cover a wide variety of categories, you might want to use different players in different rounds depending on their strengths and weaknesses.

More information

We got some rules here.

Click here for the 2024-2025 rules.


Latin League is entirely run by volunteers. Please know that we will respond to questions as quickly as we can.